The modalities of a company dissolution are connected to the chosen type of company model.
It is important to distinguish between partnerships and corporations.
Partnerships can be dissolved in the following cases (art. 2272 c.c.):
- by deadline expiration;
- by achievement of the business purpose or in case of impossibility to achieve the business purpose;
- by the will of all the company members;
- by the lack of the majority of members, if the majority is not restored within 6 months;
- under other circumstances specified in the company contract or partnership agreement.
With the dissolution the respective liquidators start with the formal liquidation of the company. The purpose of the liquidation process is to satisfy the company creditors and to distribute remaining company assets among the members (if there are any remaining assets). Afterwards the company will be removed from the register of the Chamber of Commerce.
Contrary to corporations, partnerships are not mandatory subjected to the liquidation process in the case that there are no remaining assets or liabilities.
In both cases the company dissolution is declared with a public deed or a notarized private deed.
Corporations are dissolved in the following cases:
- by deadline expiration;
- by achievement of the business purpose or in case of impossibility to achieve the business purpose;
- by impossibility to manage further the company or by a persistent inactivity of the general assembly;
- by a reduction of the company capital under the minimum provided by law.
In the case of corporation dissolution the liquidation process is mandatory, as a guarantee for the creditors. For that reason, the general corporation assembly has to nominate a liquidator (in the majority of cases a person from the management board or the control & advisory board is nominated), with the mission to settle all outstanding debts as well as recovering all company credits. Only after the liquidation balance sheet is approved, the company can be removed from the Chamber of Commerce Register.